1 /**
2  * Bezier Curve
3  */
4 module d2d.math.BezierCurve;
6 import d2d.math.Vector;
8 /**
9  * A class that represents a Bezier Curve
10  * Supposedly the most visually appealing curves
11  * Needs a lot of complicated math; this class doesn't have much functionality other than what one might need to draw it
12  */
13 class BezierCurve(T, uint dimensions) {
15     Vector!(T, dimensions)[] controlPoints; ///The points that control the path of the curve; usually don't actually exist on curve
17     /**
18      * Gets numPoints amount of points that are on the bezier curve evenly spaced from the beginning point to the end point (t 0 => 1)
19      */
20     Vector!(T, dimensions)[numPoints] getPoints(uint numPoints)() {
21         Vector!(T, dimensions)[numPoints] containedPoints;
22         enum tStep = 1.0 / (numPoints + 1);
23         foreach (pointNumber; 0 .. numPoints) {
24             Vector!(double, dimensions)[] tempVals;
25             foreach (point; this.controlPoints) {
26                 tempVals ~= cast(Vector!(double, dimensions)) point;
27             }
28             for (uint i = cast(uint) this.controlPoints.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
29                 foreach (j; 0 .. i) {
30                     tempVals[j] += (tempVals[j + 1] - tempVals[j]) * (pointNumber * tStep);
31                 }
32             }
33             containedPoints[pointNumber] = cast(Vector!(T, dimensions)) tempVals[0];
34         }
35         return containedPoints;
36     }
38     /**
39      * Creates a bezier curve given a list of control points
40      */
41     this(Vector!(T, dimensions)[] cPoints...) {
42         this.controlPoints = cPoints;
43     }
45 }