
Copies a texture to the window at the given rectangle with the given angle If sourceRect is null, it will copy the entire texture, otherwise, it will copy the slice defined by sourceRect Angles are given in radians

  1. void copy(Texture texture, int x, int y, iRectangle sourceRect = null)
  2. void copy(Texture texture, iRectangle destinationRect, iRectangle sourceRect = null)
  3. void copy(Texture texture, iRectangle destinationRect, double angle, SDL_RendererFlip flip = SDL_FLIP_NONE, iVector center = null, iRectangle sourceRect = null)
    class Renderer
    Texture texture
    iRectangle destinationRect
    double angle
    SDL_RendererFlip flip = SDL_FLIP_NONE
    iVector center = null
    iRectangle sourceRect = null
