- void draw(iVector first, iVector second)
- void draw(iVector first, iVector second, Color color)
- void draw(iSegment line)
- void draw(iSegment line, Color color)
- void draw(int x, int y)
- void draw(iVector toDraw)
- void draw(iVector toDraw, Color color)
- void draw(iRectangle toDraw)
- void draw(iRectangle toDraw, Color color)
- void draw(BezierCurve!(int, 2) curve)
- void draw(BezierCurve!(int, 2) curve, Color color)
- void draw(iPolygon!sides toDraw)
- void draw(iPolygon!sides toDraw, Color color)
- void draw(iRectangle bounds, double startAngle, double endAngle)
- void draw(iRectangle bounds, double startAngle, double endAngle, Color color)
Draws the ellipse bounded by the given box between the given angles in radians with the given color More points generally means a slower but more well drawn ellipse